Governor Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania has a stellar track record of support for policies that expand access to economic opportunity for Black Americans. From his first day in office, he has shown consistently that he is a champion of Black economic progress. He has:
- Banned the box on non-civil service applications
- Appointed African Americans to serve at the highest levels of government within his administration, including the first African American woman to serve as general counsel, the chair of the Delaware River Port Authority, and the secretary of the Department of Corrections. He also appointed the first African American Pennsylvania state treasurer, and nominated the first African-American to be confirmed to the Liquor Control Board
- Increased the percentage of contracts to small and diverse businesses for legal services from five percent to 55 percent
- Created the position of Deputy Secretary for Diversity, Inclusion and Small Business Opportunities at the Pennsylvania Department of General Services
- Restored Harrisburg Republicans one billion dollar cut to education and enacted a fair funding formula to take the politics out of school funding
- Created an initiative to further improve the criminal justice system by reforming sentencing guidelines and the bail system